Thursday, March 26, 2009


Momentum!! that's what is required to do anything.Its the first step that's always hesitant and lacking the required confidence,but once you enter,you gain confidence in yourself and it will go on. Well that's is what I am lacking now...
Identity ie. who or what a person is,is the basic knowledge about a person required to be known before you can give a chance to know him or try to judge him.It would be foolish to be knowing someone just by words of mouth.You would know him but if asked about him,you would have nothing to say.So let me begin with my identity.Will try doing justice to my identity:P
I was born on 18Th of Oct. 1991 on the auspicious day of Vijayadashami,the tenth and last day of navaratri.I must mention am proud to be having such wonderful parents who support me in everything I do, be it in my failure to do something or be it when i achieve something.Its through their constant motivation that i have been able to achieve whatever i have done till now.I have a elder brother,Mukesh, who is a constant supporter of mine.He is an excellent cricket player and when i say excellent i also mean he outplays me.I adore him very much.In fact he is like a role model to me.I have learnt a lot of things from him and will continue to do so.Now coming to the other side,we also fight a lot...Its fun irritating him;) Of course its all momentary.Its said a little quarrel here and there is required in a relationship to make the bonding even stronger.So we just try to keep up the saying:)

Speaking about myself,I have a keen interest for art and have a passion for photography,which i guess will be evident with my upcoming posts.I am also interested in reading books,usually fiction.They keep me fully engrossed that i sometimes get lost in them and tend to forget any other work kept in the store for me.I like playing cricket and even have a so called local team too!!!Its named C.C.Manipal.

I think my life is on the high tide now.Of course i don't have a lot to say about life coz my life has hardly begun.I am in with just 17 years of experience.But from what i have known,seen and learnt I have known that money is the root cause of all evil.People wont be what we think when money comes into play.The reason why i am speaking about this is just to say people give up their Identity for the sake of money,which is the a disgrace to one's identity.

Journey through life - "Joyful, thornier, huge"
I guess the anagram says it all....


  1. Did you think up the anagram? Can I use it? Very insightful.

  2. Of course you can..
    I like working with those things.. Its fun doing it, solving I mean..
