"I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

Monday, November 9, 2009
The suspect
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Art life - The beginning
A short boy, standing in the assembly of the Independence day celebration functions. The flag is hoisted, the rest of the formalities done, the various speeches delivered, it was now time for the prize distribution function where the prize winners in the various competitions conducted with regard to the day, would be receiving their prizes. The list of the winners in the various was being announced, while the boy was lost in his own thoughts. A part of him lost thinking wish my name also is called up now, so that I can go and get a prize too.. No matter what it is, it just doesn’t matter. It was the pride of winning that, he wanted or though he dint know it, that was what it was in a way.
His thoughts raced back to his pre-primary classes where during the various celebrations only the prize winners went down to the assembly while the others watched on the proceedings from their class itself. There was a place, rather a room which was the exit from the nursery section leading directly to the quadrangle, where the assembly took place. He remembered those times when he saw others walk through there while he along with others stood there besides one of the windows from where he could have a clear view of the assembly, or rather when everybody sat down once the formal function was done. Even back then it was the same thought that crossed his mind, wish his name would be called up so that he could go to the stage to receive the honours...
The funny fact was that he very was aware that he had to win the competitions in order for his name to be called, and to win he had to compete in the competitions, which he never did. Yet the childish part of him always thought one day his name would certainly be called out…
To think it would really happen a few years later was quite unbelievable and now, years later he still found it unbelievable to take it in.
This series is all about his journey in the field of art describing the various things that happened with him, trivial most of the times, yet certainly a step towards the unknown dream.. His realization of the fact that, it was all about learning, rather appreciating the art..
Saturday, September 19, 2009
जवाब के खोज में...

जिंदगी में हसी के साथ साथ ग़म
भी आता हे, कुछ ऐसे पल भी आते हेजो न किसी से कहा जा सकता हे, नहीकहे बिना रहा जा सकता हे।बस उन्ही लम्हों की परिणाम हे, कीआदमी एक कवि बन्ने, लिकने लगता हे ।जब मैंने अपने हालत को एक कविता
के सहारे लोगों के सामने पेश किया,
तब लोगों ने कहा, वह! क्या बात हे!!
इतने दिनों तक हमें पता ही नही था..
पर शायद ही कोई एक होता, जो,
मेरे लेखन को कविता के नज़र
से बहार देखता, तो मेरा कविता
लिखने का कोई मतलब मिलता..
किसी ने मुझे एक बार पुचा,
तुम जो भी लिखते हो, क्या वो सुच हे,
या फिर अपने कप्लानाओ के झलक हे,
जिसे इतनी खूबसूरती से समाते हो...
जवाब तो बस, उसी को देना था...- Nocturnal poet
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Arrogant Boy
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Times @ Maddy Kripa-V
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Times @ Maddy Kripa-IV
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A cup of coffee

I have a free hour, I can't wait to get going.I am out as soon as the bell rings permitting me out.I walk down to my favourite place,And in a few minutes I am sitting at a cafe,having ordered my coffee, waiting dearly for it.After a small wait it is ready n willing to be fetched.I lift the cup to savour the aroma it emits,inviting me to the world of cafe which I gladly accept.Following the aroma I enter deep down into an alley,an alley leading to a different world.I sip in a ml of the piping hot coffeeand it gives me a sense of eternity..I am lost in a whole new world,where time is outbound.After long minutes which seemed like a fewmoments, the piping hot coffee, now normal,It holds only a little of what it once did and isall set to get to its final destination- the bin.I am all set for another cup of coffee,yet another journey into eternity..-Nocturnal poet
Monday, June 1, 2009
Times @ Maddy Kripa-III
Annanu madida galipatabannada haleya galipataneeliya banali teluta sundarabalangoshiya nanna pataBidirina bettiya galipatabedarada bettada galipata......dharava jaggidhooradi baggibalangoshiya nanna pata